Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday Brunch #46.1 First Aid

I am doing my own Sunday Brunch since the one I have been doing gave it up. I have first aid/CPR and AED training all day at work tomorrow.So first aid is my first Sunday Brunch.
1. Do you know first aid?
Yes, this is the third time that I have had training.
2. Do you know CPR?
Yes, I know CPR.
3. Do you know how to use a AED?
Yes, I do.
4. If you saw someone who needed first aid or CPR would you help them?
I would try to help them.
5. Have you ever given CPR or first aid to anyone?
No, I have not.
I am going to try to do a Sunday Brunch each week. I am not very good at this but I thought I would try. If you have post about it in comments please.


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