Tonight I am leading a Bible study so without anymore delay here it is.
Here are two of the seven verses that I am using.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.
1. Name some things also people that you trust.2. Why do you trust these things and or people?3. Name some things that you don’t trust.4. Why do you not trust them?5. Should we trust blindly? Why or why not?6. Why are children so trusting?7. List some ways trust can be broken.I don't have time right now to post my answers. I may post some of them later
Thankful Tuesday Two #120.2
This week I am thankful for.............................1. The very cool weather last night.
2. That my back, neck, head and shoulders feel 1000% better today than yesterday. What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
I could be going to Louisiana in a little over a week with a group from my
church. (
Temple Baptist Church) The dates are October 7-12. There were several things that we would be doing. The details are still being worked out. More later as I find out.
In Pain

Today at work we were running the above product the red can
Russell 676. I had to do actuators most of the day. When you do actuators you place the actuator in the hole in the top of the can. The actuator lets you spray the product out of the can. My hands and arms are hurting right now. They did not start hurting till about an hour ago. I am going to try to go to sleep now.
Breaking News
Breaking news................................You will only find this news here. It's not in the local paper but it is here.
IWP Industrial Wire Products is closing there Sullivan plant. There last day is October 15. They are moving the operation to China. That is the bad news. I do have some good news. We
(Aerofil) are hiring we have hired 70 and want to hire about 50-80 more people
On a side note I finally found IWP's website after 10 pages of looking on Google.
Can't Wait
There are only five days till
The Amazing Race family edition I can't wait. I will be cheering on the Bransen family. Who are you cheering for? Leave it in comments please.
Category FIVE Rita
People listen this time GET OUT NOW. Don't wait GET OUT NOW. Use your brain and remember what Katrina did and leave now please it's for your own good and it may save your life.
This Day Past Events #9.1
This day on September 21..................1989 - Hurricane Hugo hit the South Carolina coast with destruction totaling$8 billion.
1999 - Google launched its search engine.
Thankful Tuesday Two #119.2
This week I am thankful for..................................................
1. My safe trip to Jefferson City and Odessa Missouri and back to Sullivan.
2. That I got to spend some time with Bob, Joy, Issiah(9), McKayla(7), Josiah(5), Hannah(4), Noah Caldwell(1.5).
3. That I felt very good yesterday at work on very little sleep.
4. That God worked in peoples lives at Calvary Baptist Chrurch in Odessa, Missouri.
What are you thankful for?? Post it in comments please.
Disaster Relief Update
Hurricane Katrina—Day 25
Activity Report (as of 8:30 a.m. ET, 9/19)
State Conventions 36
Total Units Activated 260
Volunteer Days 37,578
Meals Prepared 3,359,617
Jobs Completed 3,866
Showers Provided 21,109
Laundry Loads 4,245
Children Cared For 4,533
Messages Sent 1,851
This is mini-report from North American Mission Boards Disaster Relief web site click
HERE to see more.
Please remember to pray for these people as they continue to minister to hurting people.
Brain is Out Of Order
Due to getting home early this morning I am not going to be posting anything right now. It is now nap time for me.
I am going out of town for the weekend. So, there may be no blogging till Monday. I don't think I will have access to the Internet or a computer. I hope to get a used laptop for just this purpose sometime next year. I also hope to post some pictures of my trip.
Exciting New Show
Last night I watched a new show. It is called
Bones, it is on Fox at 7 PM on Tuesday. I like this new show very much. I hope it has a long running and they keep doing a good job with it. I also enjoyed the show that came next. It is called House. It does have some crude stuff in it that turns me off to it at times.
Thankful Tuesday Two #118.2
This week I am thankful for...........................................1. That there are some new shows on TV.
2. That we are meeting some of our production goals at work.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
Sunday Lunch #50.1 Pie
1. What is your favorite fruit pie?Blueberry.
2. Is the Boston Cream Pie, a pie? Defend your position.I have never had it but I am going to say a pie.
3. What is your favorite custard , cream pie or pudding pie?Chocolate.
4. What other desert item do you like with your pie?Whip topping. The real stuff.
5. Who makes the best pie?Slice of Pie in Rolla, Missouri.

Here are some stats from the Disaster Relief website of the SBC/NAMB to view the website click
HERE. State Conventions Activated 33 Units Activated 239 Volunteers Serving 5,000+ Volunteer Days 15,757 Meals Prepared 1,320,664 Jobs Completed 1,491 Showers Provided 7,967 Laundry Loads 1,452 Messages Sent 631 Please pray for these people as they minister to all the people that are hurting.

Today at work I did my normal job the first four hours of the day. The last four plus four more for a total of twelve I ran the can station. For seven of the last eight we were running the product pictured to the right.

The last hour we were running the product pictured to the right. They are both glue/adhesive is what most of us at work call it. The can station is where you load the cans onto the line for filling there are 2160 cans on a skid. Three hundred and sixty on a layer and six layers on a skid of cans. I was going to say how fast we were running but have decided that would be too much information. I have not worked that hard in a long time.
Someone found this blog from a google search of Frank J. Wisner. I did a post on his creation of the first root beer float in August. That was the reason for the find.
Endless shrimp is back at
Red Lobster. I am thinking of going to St. Louis soon say like Friday or Saturday or Monday. If I go on Friday it will be a quick trip up and back because I have to work on Saturday. If you would like to go with me call or email me. I can't wait to eat some scampi.
Thankful Tuesday Two #117.2
This week I am thankful for.......................1. The day off of work yesterday.
2. The new look of my blog. Not this blog but are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
Movie: March of the Penguins
This afternoon at the
Sullivan 6 Cinema I saw
March of the Penguins. It was a documentary. I learned very much from this movie. I am surprised that the penguins are still around with all the challenges to the young.
50 Years Old

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the
Waffle House. Too bad the closest one is 35 miles away because I am hungry for some breakfast. I guess I need to go eat something.
Sunday Lunch #49.1 Soda
1. What is your favorite soda?Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.
2. How many or how much soda do you drink a day?It depends on if it is a week day or the weekend. The week day I drink about 6 cans. The weekend I drink it with my meal when I eat out.
3. Do you drink it with a meal?Most of the time I do.
4. What is the weirdest soda you have drank?Limca. It is a citrus soda in India. It is made by Coke. To read more about Limca click
HERE.5. Do you think it should be sold in schools at lunch time or ant other time? Yes, I am fine with it being sold.
Movie: Red Eye
Warning: I am going to talk about the movie Red Eye.
Thursday night I went and watched the movie
Red Eye. I enjoyed this movie very much. It had some action and a good story line and the good guy I mean girl even wins in the end.
This Day Past Events #9.1
This day on September 2...................1998 - Swissair Flight 111, in route to Geneva from New York City, crashed about five miles off Nova Scotia while attempting an emergency landing at Halifax International Airport. Two-hundred and twenty-nine people died in the crash. remember this like most all airplane crashes. They (airplane crashes) catch my attention most of the time. I am not afraid and have never been afraid to fly, in fact I love to fly. However flying international is sometimes stressful to my body.
Three Day Weekend
I am looking forward to the three day weekend as I am off work till Tuesday. I am also looking forward to the start of high school football tonight. The local phone company had hosted a tailgate party the last two years and are doing it again this year. Free hotdogs and drinks before the game
This Day Past Events #8.1
This day on September 1...................1983-Korean Airlines Flight 007, flying from New York to Seoul, was shotdown by the Soviets after it strayed into restricted airspace overSakhalin Island in the Sea of Japan. All 269 people aboard were killed,including 61 Americans, among them U.S. Representative Larry McDonald
I remember this all too well. I was in high school at the time thinking that this meant war. Nothing ever came of it. I think that there is more to this story than we will ever know.