Thankful Saturday Six
Today I am thankful for.............
1. Jesus
2. The Holy Spirit and all the direction that He provides.
3. God
4. Steaks (I know I said food on Tuesday)
5. Nice roads to drive on. (for the most part.)
6. E-mail
Thankful Friday Five
Today I am thankful for................
1. Conservative talk radio.
2. Home cooked meals.
3. The US military.
4. My blog and the others that I read.
5. Kind people.
What are you thankful for?? Post it in comments please.
Eating Breakfast

Just so you know I will be eating breakfast at
Cracker Barrel for the first time in the morning. I have been looking forward to this since they opened on November 14.
I think this is what I will be having. It's called the Holiday sampler. It was between it and the sunrise sampler.
Construction Update #2
Here are some updated photos of the construction at work. The walls of the containment pond are now gone and they are doing site work.

This is where line 6 will be. It is where some of the 6,000 sq. ft of production area will be.
Thankful Thursday Three
Here is todays thankful post......
1. Food
2. The internet.
3. Family
What are you thankful for?? Post it in comments please.
#94 What Age Do You Act?
You Are 29 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Trip to Town

Well, I am back from my trip to town to get some
Ocean Spray jellied cranberry sauce. I came back with more than that. I came back with a pecan pie from
Cracker Barrel. I almost got the Chocolate Pecan but did not.I also got a
St. Louis Post paper.. I did not get to eat any breakfast yet McDonnald's was closed. I also took some photo of the construction at work and will post them sometime today.
Happy Thanksgiving
I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Now I am off to get some cranberry sauce and eat a very little breakfast so I can eat all the good food today.
Thankful Wild Wednesday
I could not think of a word to go with a number for Wednesday so it's going to be some of the wild things that I am thankful for.
1. Air Conditioning
2. The 10 USA Today boxes and the 2 gas stations where I can buy USA Today. (There are some small towns that you cannot buy it in.)
3. Batteries. Without them we would have no laptop computers or I-pods or any other portable devices.
4. Toilet paper. (Been to places where they did not use it and it was in short supply.
5. Paper and pens.
What are some of the wild CLEAN things that you are thankful for?? Post them in comments please.
Thankful Tuesday Two #127.2
This week I am thankful for............................1. The food, fun and fellowship Friday night.
2. The safe trip to Washington and back to Sullivan Friday night.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
Thankful Monday Many
This year I am thankful for...........
1. My computer.
2. My good health.
3. That I do not have to work on Sundays.
4. My cell phone.
5. Chocolate
6. Clean water to drink.
7. Paid vacations
8. Paid Holidays
9. My Bibles
10. My praise and worship CD's
What are you thankful for? Post it in comments.
Thankful Sunday Seven
This week I am going to do a post each day of things that I am thankful for. This would be because of Thanksgiving this week.
1. My church
2. My pastor
3. My car
4. My job
5. That Aerofil is still growing and is building a new addition.
6. My friends
7. My digital camera
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please..
Upcoming Week
I am looking forward to the upcoming week. I will only be working three days. Also I will have time to blog. I have some cool upcoming posts. There will be a construction update and a special Thansgiving week of posts.
This and That
Work was crazy the past two days. Today was much better. We are having our Thanksgiving dinner at church tonight. I am very much looking forward to that.
Thankful Tuesday Two #126.2
This week I am thankful for.....................
1. The new
Cracker Barrel that has opened in Sullivan. Also that the GM is a great guy and goes to church where I do.
2. That I did not have to work last Saturday.
What are you thankful for???? Post it in comments please.
There is a problem with Movable Type and some blogs at So watch for updates here. That would be my other blog
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store is now open here in Sullivan. I will be eating there soon very soon.
They serve breakfast ALL DAY LONG.
Construction Update #1

This is a view of the containment pond that will have to be filled in before the building can be built.

The road that leads to the tanks around back will be closed as of Monday and there will be only one we in and out from around back. This will make unloading tanker trucks interesting and maybe difficult. The containment pond to the left is where all the rain water runs into before it is released into the nearby creek. It was also built in case there was a fire so that all the runoff would be contained. Also in the event one of the tanks started leaking it would not leave the aerofil property. It will take about 2200 dumptruck loads of dirt to fill the containment pond.
Soon to be 300,000,000
The USA population stands at 297,624,373 as of 15:40 on 11-9-05. This is according to the
U. S. Census Bureau homepage. I think it will hit 300,000,000 sometime early in 2006. When do you think it will hit 300,000,000. Post your answer in comments please.
Photo Of The Week #2

Work has started at work on our 66,000 sq. ft. addition. Not much happening right now just moving a little dirt. The breakdown on how the space will be used is 60,000 will be warehouse and 6,000 will be for aerosol line 6.
Thankful Tuesday Two #125.2
This week I am thankful for......................1. The overtime that I have been working.
2. Clean water to drink.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
I read in the
USA Today print edition that
Coke is phasing out Vanilla Coke, Diet Coke with Lemon and Diet Vanilla Coke. Thay can do away with all the diet drinks but I Iove Vanilla Coke. What a bad move on Coke's part.
Thankful Tuesday Two #124.2
This week I am thankful for........................1. Eating at Red Lobster.
2. The safe trip to St.Louis and back.
3. The safe trip to Jefferson City and back.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please..