We have a number of things we will be voting on in the November election here in Missouri. Here is a list of some of the things.
Constitutional Amendment 2
Plain Language Explanation:This amendment will allow Missouri patients and researchers access to any method of stem cell research, therapies and cures permitted under federal law. It also will set limits on any stem cell research, therapies and cures, including banning human cloning or attempted cloning. Violators will be subject to criminal and civil penalties.
I am voting NO on this. It says it bans cloning but that is a lie. The key word in this is "ANY" method of stem cell. They will be killing babies to do this research. Embryos are babies too.
If you want more reasons as to why I am voting no go to doawload the podcast also look at the links there.
Constitutional Amendment 3
Plain Language Explanation:
This amendment creates a fund which will be used only to pay for programs to prevent and reduce tobacco use and to provide health care to low-income Missourians and Medicaid recipients, and to cover administrative costs. These programs will be funded by imposing a tax of 4 cents per cigarette and 20 percent on all other tobacco products
I was thinking of voting yes on this. Last night I was told that the people that would be hurt by this would be the kids of the smokers. The parents were still going to smoke and the kids might do without a winter coat so the parents could still smoke.
So we will see how I will vote on this.
Constitutional Amendment 6
Plain Language Explanation:
This amendment will create a tax exemption for real and personal property that is used or held for nonprofit purposes or activities of veterans’ organizations.
I will be voting yes on this.
Constitutional Amendment 7
Plain Language Explanation:
This amendment will prevent statewide elected officials, members of the General Assembly and state judges from receiving a state pension if they are convicted of a felony while in office or if they are removed from office for misconduct or after impeachment. Also, this measure will require a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly in order to change or disapprove the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens’ Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials.
I will be voting yes on this.
Proposition B
Plain Language Explanation:
This amendment will increase the state minimum wage to $6.50 per hour or to the federal minimum wage rate if that rate is higher. Thereafter, the state minimum wage will be adjusted every year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.
I will be voting NO on this. A few years ago I would have voted yes for this. I guess I am getting more conservative in my old age.
The Denny's restaurant here in Sullivan has closed it's doors. It closed for financial reasons too much debt. Over a million dollars I was told by someone at work. I thought someone would go out of business when Cracker Barrel opened.
It Came In The Mail
I started the process to renew my passport over a month ago. I was getting nervous because it had not arrived yet. Well I got it in the mail today. I am good for another ten years. Also it will come in handy in two years when I have to renew my drivers licensees.
Third Party Content
There is an interesting article in the USA Today today. It seems that bloggers are being sued. In January a blogger became the first blogger to lose a libel suit for what he wrote on his blog. There has even been some bloggers sued over comments left on there blog. They "the courts" have not decided if the blogger can be held libel for the comments yet. This is known as third party content. Below you will find some stats about blogs from the article.
Since March 2004, the "blogosphere" has doubled in size every five to seven months. There are now 53 million blogs. (Now 55.9 million.) This number is just the blogs that technorati track so there are many more than that.
150,000 The number of blogs created each day. or nearly two blogs per second.
1.6 million The number of daily postings, or more than 66,000 per hour.
39% of the blogs were in English.
31% of the blogs were Japanese.
12% of the blogs were Chinese.
2% of the blogs were Spanish. (That is interesting)
40% of those who start a blog are still posting on it three months later.
Source: Technorati as of June 2006 This is where USA Today got these stats.
Thankful Tuesday Two #168.2
This week I am thankful for................................
1. That running sound went well Sunday. (We had all nine praise team members singing.)
2. Church league volleyball will be starting soon. What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
Monday Madness 10.0
More questions from our fellow participants! Have fun, and if you don't see YOUR question posted, please be patient; it'll show up soon! Thanks to all of you for playing! =)
1. From amanda f:What do you do when somebody complements you?
a. Smile and say Thanks
b. Ignore it and change the subject
c. Complement them back
d. Turn red in embarrassment at the attention and look around to see other people's reaction
e. Take it as your due!It would be either A or D. I don't take complements well. I have gotten better though.
2. From shelly: What color are your eyes?Blue or Hazel
3. From kia :What do you like most about yourself?That I am a kind person.
4. From Julie: How do you spend Christmas?At my sisters house the past few years. With my parents and grandparents.
5. From wide imagination :When do you normally blog? Day or night?It would be both. I blog when I get home from work at 2:45PM and them sometimes in the evening between 7-10PM.
6. From rach: What song can you relate to your personal life? The hymn "Just as I Am" Jesus takes us just as we are.
7. From sherle: What is your favorite color for a sleeping environment?I don't care about the color. I like for it to be cold, soft and dark.
This comes from
Monday Madness
Volleyball Season
Church league volleyball will be starting this month. It will be on Monday nights. I am soooooo excited about this starting. Maybe I can get some action (pictures) shots this year and post them. Is there anything you are excited about? If so post it in comments.