Running a Tipper

The last half of the day at work I had to run a tipper. It is pictured to the right. Ours does not have the clear cabinet on it. It puts the actuator on the can. The product we were running is pictured below.
I finished a project for my bosses boss today that I have been working on for about three weeks now. I was waiting on a call for pricing so I could fill out the requisition and get a purchase order number. The call came today while I was working on the line, more about that later. I took the call got the info I needed and went back to work on the line. At the end of the day I called the guy back with the info he needed he said the items will be here some time next week. I am glad to have that project done.
Thankful Tuesday Two #116.2
This week I am thankful for.................1. That I did not go back to a mess at work after being off on Monday.
2. Some good news.
3. The cooler weather.
What are you thankful for this week??? Post it in comments please!
Wal-Mart says they rollback prices. They may do that. I found an item that they have increased the price. The fram air filter for my car. I keep records of maintance done on my car is how I found this out.
- 7/4/04 Fram air filter #CA8221 price $6.97
- 8/29/05 Fram air filter #CA8221 price $7.46
No rollback here just foward.
Photo Quest

I don't eat oats very often. I could not find a box of grits.

This is my cell phone.

This is a mess of wires.

This is the daily paper I read.

This is my alarm clock/stereo. These are pictures of a photo quest that
Flip does every month.
Please pray for the family at
Silent Messenger Ministry or
Under the Juniper. They are in the path of Katrina.
Help Is On It's Way

The Southern Baptist Convention has activated Disaster Relief teams. Here is a update from the
North American Mission Boards Disaster Relief Home Page.Hurricane Katrina
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is preparing for a 300,000-meal response within 24 hours of Hurricane Katrina's landfall. This comes at the request of the American Red Cross. The Disaster Operation Center at NAMB opened this morning, and an Incident Command Team (onsite command post) has been activated.
Currently, 25 Southern Baptist feeding units have been requested by Red Cross and four by Salvation Army. Preliminary site locations have been identified in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and each feeding unit has been asked to bring clean-up/recovery, shower, and communication units with them.
Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas Baptist Men, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, New Mexico, Iowa, Michigan, and Virginia Baptist Mission Board all have been activated.

Get out now!!! This is a very bad storm. More on this later. I need to go to church now.
Sunday Lunch #48.1 Gas Price
This weeks Sunday Lunch has to do with the price of gas.
1. With gas prices getting high have you thought about mass transit? It is not an option where I live.
2. How high do you think gas will get by August 2006?$3.75
3. List some of the things you have done to save gas.Change my air filter.Don't drive around as much.
4. Do you know the price of gas in London?Yes I do. It is much more than here.
5. Is there anything that can be do about the high price of gas?No it's the law of supply and demand.

Today at work I did my normal job for most of the day. I also got the mini-filler ready for a upcoming run. The last part of the day a got to pack again. This time it was an adhesive it is pictured to the right. My partner was good and quick. This makes it an easy job for both of us. Had an interesting conversation with her as we worked.
Short Handed Again

Today at
work I had to work packing the product pictured to the left. It is for a company called
Homax. I only had to pack for a few hours till some people from the evening shift came in early. This was good because another line went into changeover and we needed to get it up and going again.
Nothing New
Well, there is not much new in my life right now. I am looking forward to some up coming breaks from work over the next few weeks.
Thankful Tuesday Two #115.2
This week I am thankful for..........................1. An encouraging note.
2. The
Derek Webb and
Sandra McCracken concert on Friday night.
3. Eating at
Smokey Bones 4. That I did not have to work on Saturday.
What are you thankful for this week?? Post it in comments please!
Sunday Lunch #47.1 Email
This weeks Sunday Lunch is about email.
1. How many email accounts do you have?I have three. I have a Gmail, Hotmail and a Fidnet account.
2. What do you use them for?I use the Fidnet account as my main one. (Fidnet is my Internet provider.) I use the Hotmail as a general one. I use the Gmail to store important emails and some newsletters and Bible studies.
3. Do you use any kind of spam filter?Yes, my Internet provider uses one. It's called
Postini4. Is there anything that can be done to stop spam?No I do not think there is.
5. If found out and convicted of spamming what should be their punishment?Lose all access to computers and internet.
Friday Three #2.1: Movies
1. What kind of movies do you like? (Action, Romance, Chick flicks or some other kind.)I like action and some chick flicks.
2. Is there anything that will keep you from seeing a movie?Nudity and language.
3. What are some upcoming movies you want to see.1. Stealth
2. Red Eye
3. King Kong
Post you answers in comments please.
This Day Past Events #7.1
This day on August 19......................1893-The "black cow" or "root beer float" was created on August 19, 1893.Frank J. Wisner, owner of
Cripple Creek Brewing in Colorado, served the first root beer float. Inspired by the moonlit view of snow-capped Cow Mountain, Mr. Wisner added a scoop of ice cream to his Myers Avenue Red root beer and began serving it as the "Black Cow Mountain." The name was later shortened to "black cow."
I am glad he created it. It is very tasty.
It's Time
It's time for some ice cream from Sonic or DQ.

Today at
work we were shorthanded again. Today I got to cap the product above. We were running the red can. It's unscented we run all three scents. The other two are pine and spring. You can read more about them
HERE.My arms are hurting I am going to take some Advil at supper. They were still sore from capping on Tuesday.
This Day Past Events #6.1
This day on August 18.......................2004- The
internet search engine Google went public and the price of shares was $85.
Today it is trading at $285.10 as of 8-18-05.
Back to Being Busy
Tonight at church we will start having our meals again. Also G-Force starts tonight. I run the sound and the DVD for it (G-Force). I looked at the lesson for tonight it does not look to involved tonight. This would be a good thing because my brain is tired from lack of sleep.
Thankful Tuesday Two #114.2
This week I am thankful for..................1. That my blog is back up and working.
2. That everything went well running sound Sunday at church with two special trios and the praise band.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
This is a friendly reminder to all the Missouri drivers out there. If your windshield wipers are on your
HEADLIGHTS MUST BE ON ALSO even in the daylight.
I am getting ready to go buy some of the most expensive gas I have ever bought. It is $2.55 a gallon. Ouch.
This Day Past Events #5.1
This day on August 14.......................2003 - A huge blackout hit the northeastern United States and part of Canada;50 million people lost power; the power grid crash covered eight U.S.states from Michigan to Massachusetts and part of southeastern Canada,becoming the worst infrastructure collapse that the U.S. has eversuffered.
I remember this very well. It caused all kinds of problems.
Sunday Brunch #46.1 First Aid
I am doing my own Sunday Brunch since the one I have been doing gave it up. I have first aid/CPR and AED training all day at work tomorrow.So first aid is my first Sunday Brunch.
1. Do you know first aid?Yes, this is the third time that I have had training.
2. Do you know CPR?
Yes, I know CPR.
3. Do you know how to use a AED?Yes, I do.
4. If you saw someone who needed first aid or CPR would you help them?
I would try to help them.
5. Have you ever given CPR or first aid to anyone?
No, I have not.
I am going to try to do a Sunday Brunch each week. I am not very good at this but I thought I would try.
If you have post about it in comments please.
It Hurts
My hands and arms and back hurt. I had to hand pack four pack boxes today because we were short handed. I am not use to doing this for eight hours at a time so my hands and arms are killing me. I still have not been able to log into Movable Type so all blogging will continue here for a while longer.
UPDATEI just took 400 mg of Advil and may take 200 more if it does not stop hurting soon. I packed about 8500 cans today. Also I can now log into Movable Type. I have deleated all the spam that was there and posted a few posts. There is even a
NEW post. Go to and take a look.
How High Will It Go?
This morning on my way to work gas was $2.35. When I was on my way home gas was $2.55 How high do you think gas will go? By Labor Day? By the end of the year? Post your answers in comments. Here are my answers. Labor Day it will be $3.15. The end of year it will be $3.50
Friday Three #1.1: Ebay
1. Have you ever bought anything on Ebay?No, I have not.
2. Would you buy anything on Ebay?I might.
3. Have you ever sold anything on Ebay?No, No I have not.
Back up
My blog at is back up. I tried to log into MT (Movable Type) but could not so there is nothing new there yet but soon. Don't worry I am keeping this blog. I don't think I have any new readers here but you never know. I may do some of the same posts here that I do over at the other one but there
will be diffrent ones here.
Blog Roll
I cleaned up my
blogroll this afternoon by deleating some blogs that are no longer around. I also added
Espresso Roast to my blogroll. It looks like it will be a good one.
Can You Say Inflation
I read an article in
USA Today print edition this morning. It said that oil will hit $70-72 dollars a barrel by Labor Day, that would put gas at $3.40 a gallon according to the article. Can you say time to take the bike to work.
Thankful Tuesday Two #113.2
This week I am thankful for....................1. Friends that bought me dinner for my birthday.
2. That I was off of work on Saturday.
What are you thankful for this week? Post it in comments please.
Sermon Notes
Here are some of the notes from
church. The passage is Isaiah 41:10
Dealing with Fear by Depending on God.
- God's Presence.
- God's Possession.
- God's Power.
- God's Promise.
- God's Provision.
This Day Past Events #4.1
This day on August 6.......................1945 - The United States dropped an atomic bomb from the Enola Gay onHiroshima, Japan, killing an estimated 140,000 people in the first useof a nuclear weapon in warfare.
1992 - Tim Berners-Lee put the first website online; it explained the WorldWide Web and described how to use it.
Look at all the websites now. I bet you could not even count them.
Breakfast and Construction
I see that you can post pictures here on blogger. I think I will go have breakfast at Du Kum Inn and go take some pictures of all the construction going on here in town. I have some before pictures of the Applebee's site. It looks a lot different now. There are two more restraints being built and a new Comfort Inn also being built. So, be looking for those pictures tomorrow. I am also going to try to enjoy my second Saturday off in a row. I think I will be working the next three in a row. Now it is time for me to try to get some sleep. I say try because I have not slept well in about four weeks.
Learning the Ropes
I am learning the ropes of a new blogger program. I hope that all of my years of blogging is not gone if it is I guess I will just start over. I will be keeping my blog here if even if everything works out. I would hate to give up So I may post at both sites. You can read more about the deleating of my blog and all my friends blogs . As you can see I am using diffrent colors for some of the posts. What do you think about that? Should I use all the same color or spice it up a bit? Post your answer in comments.
Friday Three: Movies
1. What is your favorite kind of movie? (Chick flick, Action, Comedy or something else.)Mine would be action.2. Is there anything that will keep you from watching a movie?Language and nudity.3. Can you make it through the whole movie without getting up to go to the bathroom?Most of the time no I can not. Post your answers in comments please.
I have been blogging since March of 2002. The server that my blog was on is having some problems and all of it is gone as of this writing.